Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I just got home, from a great dinner with few friends.

While driving back home, focus on family was talking about the yellow ribbon campaign about stopping teens from taking their own life, due to various reasons.

Suicidal is permanent solution to temporary problem
Have I ever thought about it? yes I have
Do I know anyone who is suicidal? I'm afraid yes
Can I help the person? no
So what do I do? pray for the person, and refer the person to doctor for counselling

Yeah, I had a couple of instances where I wanted to take my own life. The last one was like 10yrs ago when I had issues with my bgr. I thank God that I didn't do it, and to finally found God and have Him in my life helped me overcome root issues in my life.

Anyway, enough about suicidal.
After dinner, while we're just chatting away, out of nowhere I almost cry. Somehow I felt so good that it made me wanna cry. At that time I couldn't help but appreciate what God has done in the life of this friend who has changed so much, from a guy who couldnt think of anything else but money, to someone who gave up a his high position so he doesn't have to work so long/hard so he can serve in LG and can occassionally cook for few friends. Man... looking at him tonight just made me wanna cry. ah.... Thank you Lord for letting me be part of this friend's life.

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