Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Alright, let me say it here, I am not your usual christian, let alone your usual leader. I drink drinks that contain alcohol occasionally (I prefer wine to beer) and I befriend and hang-out with lots of non-christian people. You may think I'm weird, but I reckon if a christian doesn't have non-christian friends, that's weird. How can then s/he preach the Gospel? Cause there's no one to preach the Gospel to, ahahhaa....

I know that I still have lots of things need to be changed, fixed and improved, but at the same time, I'm not gonna let my weaknesses stop/hinder me from becoming the person God had intended me to become.

Anyway, I wanna write about the issue of changes, ideas, perspective from different angles. I believe christians, especially leaders must be open to changes, or at least ideas. Confused? Here's a question,

"When was the last time you did something new for the first time in your life?"

Here's a spiritual question,

"The last time you shared the Gospel to someone, was it the same way as your first time (if you ever shared the Gospel to anyone)?"

Or how about this,

"Have you been proactive in finding out on how to improve the way things work around you, or even how to improve your spiritual growth?"

These are the questions leaders need to regularly ask themselves as they lead their people. Btw those people are not even their people, they're God's flocks, so the burden is even heavier theoretically.

It's funny how many christians believe that the best way to grow deeper in God is through reading the bible and prayer life. Guess what? It's not at all true. There are many ways to grow deeper in God, not just those 2.

How about those people in some remote places where there's no bible. Just because there's no bible they can't grow deeper in God? Well hello.... how stupid is it. And just by praying alone you can grow deeper in God? ahahha.... good luck my friend. Prayer alone is not enough, we need some action here. How can I pray to God asking for job and not applying for one at all, just sitting at home do nothing and wait for someone to give me the job of my dream. At the very least, I need to tell my friend that I'm looking for job and tell them the kinda job I want to have so they can get me one.

If you ask me how to grow deeper in God, there are many ways to grow in God, and I will tell you that studying the bible and prayer life are important, but they need to be accompanied by actions. The great commission from Jesus to His disciple was not to read the bible (correct me if I'm wrong), it's to go and make disciple of all nations. And He left it open to us as to how we can make disciple of all nations. There's not 1 way to preach the Gospel, there's billions of way, through you, through me, through many other christians in this world. And with that, there's also many ways to make disciple of all nations.

So if you're christians (especially if you're church leaders), let me encourage you to be more open to ideas and suggestions. The things we did in the past might not be applicable anymore in the present days. Visit different places, read the news (to know what's happening around you and around the world), talk to people, make new friends, look at the success and failures of others and learn from them.

So be open-minded, yet do not walk away from God's word or neglect the biblical principle.

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