Saturday, January 24, 2009

The invisible wall

Caught up with an old friend in GC just the other night.

While sharing about our walk with God, he mentioned how sometimes he felt that people from his church have this wall built without even realising it. And because of that, sometimes he felt that he's an outcast, simply because of how they treated him.

In my heart, I replied to him, "no way, that can't be right. Christian wouldn't do that." ahaha.... how naive I was. While driving back to Bne, I asked myself if have ever done that to others, regardless of who they are, or where they're from.

Painfully I confess that I've done so many times. Few times without even realising it I ignored people around me. Though I had legitimate reason why I did it (because I was busy and so focus with whatever I was doing at that time), those people that I ignored felt the hurt of being ignored. I found out only a couple of weeks later when my leader told me.

ah.... Yes I'm not suppose to make everyone happy, cause I simply can't. But at the very least, I need to do my best not to ignore people and to value everyone's voice/opinion. Oh, help me Lord to change.

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