Monday, November 17, 2008

Getting busy for God

I'm not sure if you've been in such situation like mine where all you want to do is to do God's work, but somewhere along the line you get caught up with doing the work and almost forgetting God altogether.

ah... that's the kind of feeling that I have right now.
It's amazing how easy I can get so busy doing things for God, but not busy with God at all.

I've been very busy outside church, reaching out to people, building relationship and catching up with friends. Another thing is that when I encouraged people, I used to get encouraged myself and wonder how I did it. But nowadays I didn't feel encouraged myself when I encouraged others, and I wonder why. As I became so busy doing all that for God, I felt the dryness in my spirit. I became pretty thirsty, and it's quite uncomfortable.

Just now I was listening to this ps from singi and his words was like a knife to my heart when he said, 'Don't get busy in church if you're not busy with God. You can be very busy for God, but not with God."

When he said I felt that hit in my heart. I realised that I've been busy for God, but now with God. It's like God is telling me, "Stop it. Come and talk to me, I want to talk to you."

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