Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Full meal at PM

I went to my church PM (prayer meeting) tonight. Tonight was somewhat different, I got to have an entree, the main dish and the dessert, ahahha...

The Entree.
Tonight at PM, I managed to catch-up with one of my sheeps (someone whom I mentor, spiritually). I haven't caught-up with him for ages since he always finish work at 7pm. Because of his working hours, he seldom come to PM and LG. And most of the times, when we catch-up, we just speak on the phone. So it was really good to be able to meet and talk face to face. And to hear him say, "Man, I really miss God. I miss coming here and just pray with you all" really blessed my heart.

In my heart I told God, "Man... You're awesome. Only you who can change people's heart. Only you who can encourage people to come back to you."

The Main Dish
During PM, I just put aside everything in my mind and focussed on God. Actually, at the start of PM, the chairperson for the night, Torchie encouraged people to come forward and sing together at the front, and more than that, he called out my name to come to the front. I was a bit embarrased at that time but I just went to the front and started worshipping God. Looking back, I realised it (his encouragement asking me to go to the front) helped me focus on God. So at PM, God reminded me again about the many things that I have desired so much to see, and the work I should do to see people saved (which I've neglected for quite some time). Ah... it was so good to be reminded again, ahahha....

The Dessert
Towards the end of PM, as usual the chairperson asked everyone to gather in our own group. Guess what I saw? ahaha.... I saw half of the guys in my group came to PM. I was like, "Wow... Lord, what's going on? Man... thank you, thank you very much, thank you. ah... what a night. Truly, you are sovereign and only you who can move in people's heart."

When I got home, I was very tired already, and hungry. I quickly cooked and had my dinner. Physically, I'm really tired. But spiritually, ahahahha.... I am so refreshed. Such a strange yet beautiful feeling. I don't know how to describe it. I feel good, I feel beautiful, I feel wonderful. Thank you for such a beautiful night O Lord.

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