Yesterday I bumped my car into a pole at the parking lot. As a result, there's quite a big scratch on the front bumper of my car.
How did I manage to do it? well, I misjudged the position of my car to the pole. There's a soft and small voice inside me saying stop and reverse. I did stop but instead of reversing I continued moving forward and.... yep, the screeching noise. I laughed and thinking to myself, "WOW... I misjudged."
I relied heavily on my understanding, on my past experience, I was so confident of myself able to make the turn and park my car with such impossible angle.
Lesson learned? I learned that I shouldn't rely so much on my past experience, and with regards to my spiritual life, I should be careful once I feel comfortable with my life, cause satan can creep in under my skin and take my focus away from God. Satan knows God better than me, and he knows the bible better than me. I should never be so confident that I can do a lot of things. I can only do things when God gives the permission and He is with me.
And tonight at Prayer Meeting, I learned that before I discipline others, i need to discipline myself. Oh LORD, teach me and help me to discipline myself. I need you so much o God.
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