Thursday, September 24, 2009

Proud to be Joseph 3

OK, I may be biased here, but I am proud to be part of Joseph 3.

Just last wk at the JG Advance (a getaway for the core team of working group), few of us were just chatting away while waiting for the rest to come when somebody asked me about my group, called Joseph 3. And I replied to them saying, "Oh my group is awesome. I'm proud to be Joseph 3." And the person who asked me that question said I used to say the same thing about Joseph 2. So I replied by saying, in the past when I was with Joseph 2, I was proud to be Joseph 2, but now I'm part of Joseph 3 and it's best group so far.

I'm not saying this out of self-pride because I'm a leader in the group and I did lots of work to help grow the group. No, not at all. In fact I did very little and it's God who did most of the work.

I am proud to be Joseph 3 because this is my family (for now). With their strength and weaknesses, I embrace this group and will give my life to the growth of this group. And considering we're still pretty new, to see everyone taking part in many aspects of the running of the LG, I become even prouder all the more to be part of this group. My hope is that when we have to go our own way in the future, everyone in this group will take away something so valuable that they have no choice but to give it away so it can be a blessing to others.

I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but to be in this group, well... maybe heaven. :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Don't wanna be famous

Today I lip sync-ed singing Whitney Houston's I will always love you and Michael Jackson's Black or White at church. The purpose of doing so was to promote the church (afternoon service only) annual dinner which will be held next month.

I found out from many people that I did a good job, it was entertaining to many. But to me it was actually pretty embarrassing.

But regardless whether it is embarrassing or not, I actually have been trying to stay low, or to be low-profile. I don't want to be famous. This is one of the reason why I step-down from WAM vocals (the vocal ministry in church), and take on a more humbling role as program and floor manager where people won't even notice that such role exist (it's behind the scene work).

But don't get me wrong, OK. The main reason I step-down from WAM is because I know that it's not my ministry. I've thought about it, prayed about it and consulted with my shepherd and few leaders about it (even my pastor) before I made the decision.

Anyway, yeah... I'm trying to humble myself all the time, and I'm saying this because I have issue with pride. Besides, I really don't want to be famous, I don't want people to know me. All I want is just for God to use me to glorify Him, and I don't even have to be mentioned.

It would be nice and great to hear someone say this in the future, "I remember about the time when this person -I forgot who it was- spoke to me about God. His story touched my heart and I accepted Jesus into my life. Now my life is so different, I have a better life, all I want is just to glorify God and make Him known."

That's what I want. Don't want anyone to remember me, but I want people to remember God.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


This morning I preached for the 2nd time in my life, ahahha... it was quite interesting as I only preached to 3 people which became 2 because someone had to leave early.

My sermon was from Matthew 11:12.
It was pretty hard to prepare for this preaching as it's pretty deep and required a lot of history where lots of other relevant passages need to be considered.

Anyway, I managed to finish put it into words last night, and this morning had another read so I know where to go and what I really have to share.

The first time I preached it was a big failure, cause instead of preaching I ended up sharing. Twas pretty funny to me but people didn't realise it, cause they thought I was just sharing and not preaching, ahaha..

But anyway, will try to grow more in this area. It's good that I fetched Ps Wilson from airport as he shared few things about preaching. If you have not preached before, I would recommend you to ask your leaders to give you opportunity to preach, it's fun, ahahha....

Someone hacked into my computer

Hey, guess what?

Somebody managed to hack into my computer. How? Well.... she managed to crack my password.

The interesting part is, she's not even tech savvy or have that much knowledge about technology, let alone cracking somebody's password. And I think, she has quite a simple mind, but frankly speaking, after what happened on Fri night, hmm... I dunno, I think she has the gift of hacking into people's computer, if there's such a gift. hehehe...

But yeah, you would never put such simple password on your computer right, because we all have been taught to put such difficult password for all electronic things we have, like a mix use of upper and lower case, plus numbers and if possible, the password do not make up a word at all. But because of that I chose a very simple password. Lo and behold, she managed to think simple and guessed my password. Amazing, really amazing.

I think it's good to always try to think simple. hmm.... be simple.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Life Group

Last night I had such a wonderful time at LG (life-group) meeting. I'm sorry to say this, but after such a long time, last night I could so tangibly feel the presence of God. It was... it's just so awesome.

I actually came very late, got to Ruth's place at 8.15pm. At that time, as I walked into the front yart of the house they were just starting the second worship, which is hosanna. I could hear so clearly that the guitarist and the worship leader were not in sync, it's either the worship leader sang off-key or the guitarist played the wrong key. It sounded so off and funny. But the closer I got to the door, the thicker and more tangible I could feel the presence of God, and I could not help but bowing and kneeling down in front of the door. It was just beautiful. So beautiful I just poured out and lay down everything.

I haven't felt like that for so long, and to be honest, I've been longing for such visition from God for such a long time. No more pride within me, no crown I could put on, it's me the low and dirty sinner with a great and mighty God. I trembled before Him in fear, but I could just feel His love and peace embracing me. My fear was gone, and my wound was bound and my confidence was restored, it was just amazing, it was just beautiful.

ah... I don't want to come to LG meeting just to meet people and wind-down from a busy week, but more than that, I want to meet Him and be with Him, I'm dying just to be in His presence. I hope and I pray, every LG meeting that we have as a group will be as awesome, if not better, as last night.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Godliness v cleanliness

Here's a question:

Is there any correlation between godliness and cleanliness?

People who live a healthy life would normally be clean and somewhat tidy/neat. That's the physcial health I was talking about. Now, those who is spiritually healthy, would tend to be physcially healthy as well. I am basing this on 1 cor 3;16-17 (just from the top of my head). I'm sure there must be other verses in the bible that encourage christians to live a healthy life (and clean as well).

Now, wouldn't it be weird if spiritually matured christians are dirty and smelly? Because, this question will lead me to another question - and that is, if a christian is matured in the inside (spiritually), wouldn't it be reflected in the outside as well? like the way s/he lives his/her life (as in the way s/he dresses, walks, talks even his/her house? Think about it.