Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Losing the WORD

Let me share this with you all. The easiest way to lose the Word of God is to listen to it and not acting upon or living it out in our daily life.

Hard? Not at all, in fact it's very easy, and shamefully, I've done it so many times. When people cut me when driving, I got mad at them in my heart. When the restaurant mad me wait 2hr for my food while everyone else got their food after 1/2hr, I got mad at them. When I couldn't achieve my goals, I got mad at myself. man... and I say that I'm Jesus' disciple.

So yeah, don't try hard to lose the WORD, just keep doing whatever you're doing right now with one exception, don't do what you've read/learned. Keep going to church, life group (bible study group), read the bible, listen to all sermons/preachings, but DON'T DO what God or the bible ask you to do.

O God, help me Lord to do your will.

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