Friday, November 6, 2009

Awesome LG

Every friday night we have our weekly bible study meeting called Life-Group. I serve in this LG called Joseph 3 as one of the leaders (out of 3 and the only male leader).

Tonight was somewhat different as the group presented a gift to the 3 of us as a token of appreciation for what we've done for the group as leaders.

Personally, to me it was unnecessary and a bit too much. Frankly speaking I never expected them to appreciate us (at least me) for what we've done as leaders. They should appreciate God for letting us serve them as their leaders. But don't worry, I understand where they're coming from and what they're doing, ahaha....

Anyway, I was actually pretty shocked as I didn't expect them to do such thing and I silently (in my heart) thank God for allowing me to serve as one of their leaders. It's been not an easy ride so far as we actually don't have a real unit leader. But I truly thank God for letting me be part of their life thus far. Hence, it was such an awesome LG tonight.

ah... my prayer is for them to grow to be greater leader in the house of God. They said you only need 1 person to make a change, well I say, I need all the guys in my group to make a change to the world. 1 person is not enough, everyone must grow to be what God has designed them.

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