Sunday, April 19, 2009

Where art thou O My Passion

Dunno how to say this correctly, but in the last couple of years, my QT (quiet-time) has not been that fantastic. Most of the times it's me who did the talking.

Before and during OC I felt the conviction to revisit the way I do things, including the way I do my QT. I realised that there things that I need to change ASAP if I really wanna experience God to the fullest, I need to stop talking and start listening. Not that I don't listen to God, but I need to really be still and quiet, so I can listen to Him, and this actually relates directly to my passion for Him, to have an open and healthy communication with Him.

Considering that my group will embark on a new journey of book discussion titled "Too Busy Not To Pray", what better time than now to make some changes in my own QT, aye. ehehhe... So yeah, I'm making some changes as to the way I'm doing my QT.

Here's a quote for you:
"Wanna move a house, call a removalist. Wanna move a mountain, call God"

But here's the thing, it takes more than just saying a prayer, it takes faith (accompanied by deeds) to have the mountain in your life be moved. Good nite. :)

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