Monday, December 15, 2008

A simple yet powerful testimony

I think if I share what this girl shared today at church about her walk with God, it wouldn't be powerful at all, or as powerful as when she shared it at church. So I won't do that.

Basically she shared how she persevered in trusting God even when things went wrong or hay-wire. In a very short period of time, she got bad medical report, her studies were so hard and her dad faced financial difficulties hence she too had financial problem (because she had to undergo treatment and surgeries to help cure her disease). But in the midst of all that, she still continued to seek God and find comfort from Him. She couldn't see the end of her painful journey of life, but she chose to keep trusting God. She used James 1:2 as the basis of her testimony and to encourage those who're currently facing hard times in life.

If I tell you her age, you would even be surprised, she's only 19.
Although we're not supposed to compare our sufferings and glory, but I felt like my suffering is nothing compare to hers. So many times I wanted to give up, because giving up is so much easier than to continue fighting and persevere, especially when you couldn't really see the end of the road.

The timing of her testimony was just so right, it's so God, as I was asking God for strength and wisdom to carry on. ah... her testimony really blessed my heart. Sister, thank you for sharing your journey in life with us at the church today. I truly thank God for you, for blessing me with your testimony.

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