Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Resignation

Don't worry, I'm not resigning from my work, ahhahaa... just wanna share something about my spiritual life.

Exactly 3 months ago, or rather 3 months and a bit, I told my pastor (and few other leaders) about my desire to quit WAM in particular being the vocalist/back-up singer in church. WAM is the ministry for worship, arts and media in my church.

To my surprise, yes.. to my surprise, a lot of people were surprised that I was resigning from WAM, even my pastor asked me if I were sure with my decision, to which I replied with a YES as I have thought about it and prayed about it for quite some time before I made the decision. Somehow I felt that my gifting is not in the singing ministry. Don't get me wrong, I like to sing, but I struggled a lot last yr in terms of growing in my skills and ability to sing properly. I know that I can train myself, but it's like I had to put way much effort compare to other people with minimum growth in skill. Furthermore, my desire to learn more about the running of the church -especially the program wise- has increased so much, so much so that I couldn't take my eyes off how things are being done during the church service. And I had to really cast away any thoughts of observing the program so I can enjoy my time with God in church.

But everything is good now. I am not part of the worship/vocal team anymore. I'm actually still part of WAM, but under church programs. They haven't put me under program yet, instead they put me under floor managing to learn more about what's happening outside the hall, then a couple of months later I'll be moving to programs.

It's an exciting journey this yr. I lost my job beginning of this yr and stayed unemployed until I used up all my savings, got a job at the right time when my bank account is showing single digit, then moved on from worship team to join floor managing team and will move to programs soon, and still growing the guys in my group. ah.... this is life. Good one day, and beautiful the next, ahaha....

If anyone of you from worship team are reading this, just wanna thank you all for your support. I'm gonna miss you guys, muchly.

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