Sunday, December 27, 2009

late night thoughts

Been wanting to write down things in my heart and mind. Alright, better be quick as I'm getting so sleepy.

1. Just got home 30mins ago, few minutes before 12am (or 00.00). So tired. Came back from secret santa gathering at a friend's place in Sunnybank Hills. I love this group of people, they're not christian but they're pretty genuine. I cherish the friendship I have with them. I will always pray for them, pray for God's covering, protection and for Him to reveal to them who HE is.

2. Been thinking a bit about my group in the past few days. Ah... I thank God for this year. It's true when they say that the days ahead of us is better than the days behind us. I thought 2008 was awesome with Joseph 2, now I say 2009 is even better. And I can even say that 2010 will be even better than 2009. I got a feeling it'll be more challenging but it sure will be much better.

3. While with my friends at secret santa tonight, I got few ideas on what to do during the year with the working group in my church. Will definitely share it with my pastor and leaders.

4. I'm currently praying about something. Can't really share it now, but I really need His wisdom to discern. Will share more later.

5. I miss mum and dad, bros and sis in indonesia and all my friends in indonesia and other parts of the world. Merry Christmas to you all. You can't believe how much I miss you.

OK, I'm going to bed, it's 12.46am. good night. :)

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