Wednesday, December 30, 2009


A picture tells a thousand stories, a vision tells a story, a magnificent one that will direct a man's path forever.


Just watched a video clip sent by my friend about this man who scavenge food from a restaurant for his family and friends.

Life is tough, that's all I can say.
I honestly belief the video will move many hearts, but it won't last long.

Life is truly tough, thanks to sin that entered the world. There's really nothing much we can do about it. But I believe if each and every one of us live our life according to God's way, we can make a bigger impact. When we put into practice God's greatest commandment of all, this world will surely be a much better place to live, and that is, love your God with all your body, spirit and soul, and love your neighbour as you love yourself.

Here's the vid-clip:

Sunday, December 27, 2009

late night thoughts

Been wanting to write down things in my heart and mind. Alright, better be quick as I'm getting so sleepy.

1. Just got home 30mins ago, few minutes before 12am (or 00.00). So tired. Came back from secret santa gathering at a friend's place in Sunnybank Hills. I love this group of people, they're not christian but they're pretty genuine. I cherish the friendship I have with them. I will always pray for them, pray for God's covering, protection and for Him to reveal to them who HE is.

2. Been thinking a bit about my group in the past few days. Ah... I thank God for this year. It's true when they say that the days ahead of us is better than the days behind us. I thought 2008 was awesome with Joseph 2, now I say 2009 is even better. And I can even say that 2010 will be even better than 2009. I got a feeling it'll be more challenging but it sure will be much better.

3. While with my friends at secret santa tonight, I got few ideas on what to do during the year with the working group in my church. Will definitely share it with my pastor and leaders.

4. I'm currently praying about something. Can't really share it now, but I really need His wisdom to discern. Will share more later.

5. I miss mum and dad, bros and sis in indonesia and all my friends in indonesia and other parts of the world. Merry Christmas to you all. You can't believe how much I miss you.

OK, I'm going to bed, it's 12.46am. good night. :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Counting down

YES, I'm so counting down to many things. I'm counting down to:
1. Joseph 3 Christmas Tree Party. Wed, 23-12-09
2. Christmas Dinner with Shepherd and family. Thu, 24-12-09
4. Christmas Service at BCC. Fri, 25-12-09 (no plan for dinner yet, LOL)
5. Shopping in Harbor Town, GC. Sat, 26-12-09 (no plan for dinner yet, LOL)
6. Sunday Celebration Service. Sun, 27-12-09 (dinner with LG)
7. A friend's Bday Beach Party in GC. Mon, 28-12-09 (no plan for dinner yet, LOL)
8. Catching up with a long lost friend in day time. Dinner with Adrian and Sukian. Tue, 29-12-09
9. FREE. My me time. Sleep in, QT, breakkie, jogging, shopping in city, lunch in city, then arvo nap, then dinner, then sleep. No appointment please? :)
10. SPECIAL DAY. The day the LORD created me years ago. So it's my me time with God. God and me together. You wanna join? please take a number, Jesus is number 1, not sure what your number is. <3

Sunday, December 20, 2009

An intimate moment

I don't know how to describe this, but as I was just pondering upon my life while listening to Kari Job's song 'We Cry Out', I couldn't help but kneeling down before Him, asking for His grace and mercy to be upon me. I turned my back on him so many times, walked away from him even when he asked me to stay, rebelling against him when I did my own things.

Oh God, I rely on your grace to live this life. Noone can satisfy me but you. I love you Dad, stay with me please?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Not happy

I can't make everyone happy, it's as simple and as frustrating as that. ah... there's so much I need to learn. Learning to say no with full confidence is one very challenging thing to do.

Sometimes it's so hard to choose who you should be spending time with. ah... why is it so hard to build a friendship. Is it just me?

All I want is just to help people grow in their life, especially spiritually. But I can't be there all the time with them.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Yes, I'm laughing with pain in my heart.

Man, I just spent $388 for car service today. Ridiculously expensive. This month, I'm really gonna be bankrupt. Still got OC related expenses and CPA membership fees for next year due end of this month. ahahhaa....

I think I'm going crazy. I better go to sleep now. good nite.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

A fallen society

If you were listening to 96.5fm tonight, you most likely would be as shocked as I am right now.

Driving back home from dinner (after church), I heard this discussion about the flaws of many research done to support gay/lesbian marriage or adoption of children by gay/lesbian couple. Apparently all, I say again, all research done till this date have never met the international standard to be recognised as a valid research simply because the samples taken for the research were far too small to represent the whole community of both homosexual and heterosexual. The sad thing is that, not enough research is done to show the struggle that many homosexual face, especially the mental and emotional side of them.

What more disgusting is that the guest speaker herself (whose parents are homosexual) received a disturbing advise from a professional health practitioner where she was asked to prove herself if she's gay or not by committing into sexual act with both same and different gender, because it's the ultimate way to know if she's gay or not. So she's saying that many health practitioner themselves don't even know how to deal with homosexual issue.

96.5fm had the discussion tonight on its program because apparently the QLD government is about to pass a bill where homosexual couple will be allowed to adopt children through means of surrogacy.

ah... we're truly living in a fallen society.

A day ahead

This morning, as usual I woke up pretty early at 5.30am. Took my shirt (for work) from the wardrobe to be ironed and walked out of my room. Turned on the power for the iron then walked to the kitchen to boil the water (I like to drink hot water in the morning and at night).

Somehow I felt something is different. So I walked back into my room and asked my roommate, "Joseph, today is Sunday right?" Opening his eyes a little bit, he replied, "Huh?". After I repeat my questions he then said, "Yes, why?" So I told him that I thought it's Monday. My replied woke up him up. He just cracked up, then a minute later he went back to sleep.

ah... my brain was a day ahead. what's wrong with me.